They played on the computer at, helping each other when they got stuck.
Breakfast and request for me to read more Juniper by Monica Furlong. We only began yesterday and are halfway through because they keep asking for more. It’s a wonderful story and they are fascinated.
They built spaceships for their lego characters and then animals with magformers. “I need a tongue! A triangle piece!”
There was some more letter writing to friends.
We cut open the celery stalks that we put in water and red food coloring over the weekend and checked out the red xylem inside. The color went all the way up the stalks and into the leaves! They really enjoyed cutting it and checking out the inside and comparing our dyed and undyed celery.
We mailed letters at the post office and learned what a parcel is. We talked about where post offices are in our city.
Back at home, we had lunch and lego play. They made geysers today, thinking of our recent trip to Yellowstone and recalling geyser names they’d seen there for their creations. Then they watched The Lego Movie while I did a bit of weeding.
Afterward, more lego building and reading Beautiful Lego by Mike Doyle.
Then, we are off to the library where choose books to bring home. Then Gavin reads aloud while we drive to pick up our CSA share and back home. And more reading of new library books and a chapter of Juniper.
It was a wonderful day together.