They started with computer play and Pokemon and My Little Pony watching.
There was lego play and pony play.
Lilah drew pictures of her friends with their names and hairstyles and favorite colors taken into consideration.
We baked muffins with mixing and recipe reading and chocolate chip allotting.
We puzzled.
After lunch we headed up to our favorite spot by Storm Mountain and hiked by the stream. It was cold but beautiful. We collected maple leaves and I dabbled with a little leaf art. We decided that Lilah needs a collecting bag to bring with us on walks and hikes.
On the way down we noticed a pine tree full of pinecones. We wondered if they are the kind with pine nuts so we brought a few home to check out.
When we got home there was sticker sticking fun and then we did some Spanish together – food and animal words.
We finished the Rocky Mountains puzzle. It was a beautiful and fun one, and we would definitely like another with Charley Harper art on it. We even noticed several of the species from the puzzle on our hike today!